Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I love the 80's
"I don't wanna be a company man. I wanna be an entrepreneur and own my own business because I feel that's the only real way to get rich."
That's Russell, a 19yr old, small town mall T-Mobile kiosk employee. His fiancee is a roller-skating Sonic ("The Ultimate Drink Stop!" she says) waitress. Her name is Chandler. Really.
They have an apartment together, and a new puppy. She won't go to college because she can't afford it and hates debt and he does not believe in college.
No, that was not 20 years ago, that was TWO WEEKS AGO.
By now she is dropping Route 66 size Ocean Waters because she is weak from the morning sickness, and he is staring at Victoria's Secret storefront and contemplating banging the girl from Steak Escape. A year from now they will be living with one of their sets of "estranged" parents, with their new baby 'Trayfe' celebrating his first Christmas wearing Bristol Palin's new line of kids clothes for Wal-Mart.
Or they will move to Nashville, or Memphis, or out of Tennessee altogether and become young urban professionals in New York or L.A. AH! Does it come full circle?
Remember Dennis Hopper in Flashback? "When we get out of the 80's, the 90's are going to make the 60's look like the 50's!" Now we have to go back to the 80's? Gag me with a spoon.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Two in the pink....
This is the Arizona State University Men's and Women's track team. Throwing the shocker with the President. And here we thought Bush was not hip.
Actually while I was writing this my coworker came over and I showed this to him. He told me that they throw this as a sign of the pitchfork their mascot carries. Meet Sparky the Sun Devil:

Whatever. They got the President to do the shocker. Well played, ASU. Well played.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Your title here.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
When you vote, DO IT RIGHT!
I know this is a tense and exciting time for all of us and some people have the attention span of a fruit fly, but seriously. Local issues and LOCAL POLITICIANS are just as important, nay MORE important than your Presidential hanging chad. Seriously, who do you think actually spends money in the United States Government? HINT: It's not the Vice President or the President. It's CONGRESS! They decide almost everything! Yes, the President has veto power, but hey if you took any government class you know that even the veto is not the end of the line. The Congress has the ability to override veto! Did you know that? Well you should! Because if you don't vote for your Senators (the Senate half of Congress, each state has TWO) or your Representative (the House of Representatives half, sometimes just called "the House" which does not mean the White House you dumbasses, and each state has a number based on their population.) then you are giving up MOST of your voting power!
Example: I live in Colorado. We have two Senators (of course) and one is Republican and one is Democratic. I think that is a good balance since we only get two.
We have seven Representatives*. Four are Dems, 3 GOP. This is a little more complicated because the districts are made roughly by population**. So the greater Denver Metro area, Boulder, and resorts (Summit County) have FIVE of the seven districts. The other two districts cover like 80% of the land area of Colorado. So if you live in Rangely or Craig, Grand Junction or Durango, you all have the same Rep (District 3). Fort Collins and Sterling and Buena Vista have the same Rep (District 4). Which means that a lot of the time, you could end up being represented by someone you don't agree with politically.
Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming -- you only have to vote for one Representative! So it is EVEN MORE IMPERATIVE that you vote. Three people is all you get to make your say in Congress.
SO VOTE! For all of the people on the ballot! For all of the measures!!! The Blue Book has plain langauge, do some research, check out the pros and cons of different mill levys and tax increases. If you don't want more taxes, VOTE THAT WAY! If you want better schools, VOTE THAT WAY! If you want anything VOTE FOR IT! You don't live in the White House, and you live under State Law first! The fifty American states are separate sovereigns with their own state constitutions and state governments, so this is IMPORTANT.
Please don't mark your Presidential ticket and leave the rest unvoted. You are doing yourself, your kids, your dog, your cat, your roads, your drinking laws, your abortion statutes, your education funding, your gambling, your water, your sewage, your police department, all a disservice. For or against, vote what you believe. Or else shut the fuck up. The President is not the be all and end all of our laws and politics. They don't decide whether we get new buses versus new jails. YOU DO.
*You can only vote for the Rep of the District in which you live.
** well not really always by population, for more on this subject check out the term "gerrymandering".
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Clickety good times!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
WWMBVF? Who would Murphy Brown vote for?
The economy is now officially in the toilet, but honestly it has just been getting worse and worse for the past 4-8 years. Food prices, gas prices, medication....I know about inflation, prices always go up. But 10 years ago we had zero unemployment in this state. Or 1-2% which is basically zero for realistic purposes. Taco Bell was offering $30,00 a year for Managers to start and had no takers. Now even skilled people cannot find a job worth their while.
When I was a receptionist in 1997, I felt ELATED to get a job making $6.50/hr. Ten years later everything has doubled in price but receptionists make $8.50/hr. Houses that were worth a quarter million are listing at $175,000 -- 25% off, people! -- and those are the 'good' loans where people actually had the money to pay for it.
Yeah, then war and shit gas prices and lazy crooked contractors, and that was just inside OUR house. The country was also going to crap! I know, I know, every generation something something...

So let's go back even earlier in my awareness, to Bush I. Remember Dan Quayle? Anyone? He was roundly mocked by public and media alike. Some people thought he was "hot". Younger, attractive, dumb as a rock. Maybe we should ask Governor Palin how she feels about Murphy Brown. I am serious, what about the women that are making different choices? I would have to guess that the writers would make Ms. Brown a rabid Hillary supporter. But it may surprise us, like it surprises me to hear women around me -- strong, professional women-- say that Sarah Palin is a real "go-getter".

Why? Well my opinion is because there are no cracks in the glass ceiling and they are not really trying to make them. How can you be pro-life, anti-welfare, anti-immigration, against gay rights, and still say you support women? How can you be for big business, against education funding, support actions and politicians that send our men AND WOMEN soldiers far away to die and leave their children parentless and still claim you want the best for your daughter? Force her to marry a thug and birth an unwanted baby because "God" says so?
My fear is that at the best we will have a White House divided, as Palin does not seem to be falling well in line with her party unless it is post-gaffe. At worst McCain could die at any moment and we would have Sarah Palin as the figurehead of our country. That makes me want to create the worst mixed metaphor even invented, something about a bull, a candy store, a kid, a china shop, and a prom dress. The mind boggles at how NOT GOOD "Palin for Prez" sounds.

But wait! What if she had a kind, motherly figure, strong and compassionate, experienced and emotive, not sexy but not Janet Reno, to guide her in her navigation of the most powerful office on earth? That's right. Palin/Cinton 2008! All the big cat families will be happy. It's just so crazy it just might work.
For now, check out the funny (by drew ( and natalie (
*Thanks to commenter at
Monday, October 6, 2008
Bang and Blame
So I go through a weird seasonal affect/school phobia thing when fall comes on. Like "Oh crap, summer is over, everything is about to suck for six months!" I do not like Christmas. I get all anxious when I have to travel in snow and of course holiday family gatherings are always a pain, no matter whose family it is (well maybe not your family but I don't want my wife to think I am picking on her). Over the river and through the woods is all fine and good but through Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas is a little much. Over the pass and through the blizzard to fights and crises we go.
School was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I hated school from 6th grade on. I was smart and I loved to learn but I was all weird and nerdy and fat (so the same as I am now). People picked on me and I fought with teachers and resented busy-work.
Even thinking about it now is giving me a sick feeling.
Maybe because that is how I feel about work now. As if I am such the outcast and low person in the hierarchy. I never wanted to be popular. I just know I have talent and I want people to like me because I am good at things that I do, and an asset to my workplace, not because our kids both have the same first name and ADD. I have friends to like me for my wit and conversation. I have friends to talk about politics and religion and why. I do not want to talk to my coworkers about any of that. My life is way different from what I have heard others express and I am so fucking TIRED of explaining myself to people that I don't even like that much!
It just feels unfair that I have to show up for worthless meetings, stupid lunches, lame going-away parties, donate money for "gifts". No shit, someone solicited money from me to buy a dude a Nintendo DS as a going away gift. For him to play while he was on a SAILBOAT for four months, not working and sailing across the PACIFIC OCEAN. Um, how about I give you $20 to eat shit.
My best friend here at work left our group to work in another group. There was a party on the weekend at the house of my current boss. I was NOT INVITED. Because she (my boss) could not invite me and exclude all her other employees.
So as you can see it is like high school here. I don't get invited to cool kid parties, do a lot of work that is ignored until I stop giving a shit, get picked on or "talked to " because I don't play well with others.
They say things like "no matter where you go, there you are". Obviously the common denominator is me. I feel like I have made great efforts to change how I am since high school. I have worked hard, gone to college, raised a kid, had some relationships, got on some meds, sucked it up a lot and found myself not much better off in many ways. I mean it could certainly be worse. But core happiness with myself and my job is non-existant.
The good news is I got a truck. Kel bought it for me.
Meet Clifford:

The dogs like it too:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Rabbit rabbit rabbit
The reason is that I went home, did the dishes, made some pasta and then had a small temper tantrum. It's okay, only the dogs saw and they are used to it.
Then I played a little WoW until I had to call in to my job. As a release manager when they deploy crap you have to check up on these code monkeys and make sure they are okay. So we have a call at six, for something that was supposed to take 30 min and started at 5. Of course it is not done, which is the way of computers. Not done at 7, or 8, but finally at 9pm it was done, and at 9:45 the shakedown testing was finished and I got the final call of the night.
I still don't have a car, but I am really thinking about just not getting one. I have a couple of serviceable bikes in my yard which just need a tune and new tires. Much cheaper than a car and I need to exercise anyway. I just don't want to have to settle for some twenty-year-old POS truck because there is not a lot out there right now in the way of affordable Toyotas. The ones I have seen are fugly or too expensive.
Check it out,
This beauty could be yours for only $3000. Wow.

And this could be a nice truck, except the color is a little overwhelming:

Apparently the guy got a good deal on yellow paint because had also had this to offer:

Well, I could have gotten some Krylon and painted it myself, you really didn't have to go to all that trouble....
And this gem is only $800, they couldn't be bothered to take a full size picture, and if this is what they show, one wonders what they are hiding:

"the blazer is located at my parents house"
They are only hiding the fact that you have to drive to the middle of their property to the stock tank to get it. Oh wait: " hit bad on the passenger side door and fender which also broke the right side of the ifs so MUST BE TOWED" I see, so it "Still starts up and runs good every time with no leaks anywhere ever" but the frame is hashed. So useless.
Anyway I am just angry. I hate cars. I am buying a horse.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Stolen From a Raveler's Rav post/LJ:
“So this morning I opened up my email and found yet ANOTHER forward from a woman who keeps forwarding me anti-Obama stuff. First few times I was like “I think you have the wrong email.” And she would come back with “Well, I’m not perfect!” But it’s not stopped. So this morning, I found this:
Subject: Take PBS survey on Palin - Let’s turn this around
Do this survey, click link below, one question, takes one second, let’s turn
this PBS on their ear…..send to your friends….
Let’s turn this around!!!
PBS has a short video on Sarah Palin on their website. Also included is a
poll that asks: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be VP?
I logged on a few minutes ago and 33% percent had voted YES, 67% NO.
Let’s turn this around….. You don’t have to give your name or email
address in order to vote. It’s very simple.
PBS hates conservatives————
Here’s the link:”
So do what she says, folks! Go vote for the survey, send this to all of your friends, direct them back here to the link, whatever.
For the sake of repetition, here’s the poll again:
I email her back with “Thanks! I put my “No” vote in, and forwarded it to all my friends!”
So, kids, now it is here and yes it is one of those idiotic things that means NOTHING. but if you are so inclined, click a radio button.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hurricane hits home.

So my mom is enduring her first Hurricane this weekend. She moved to Texas a couple of years ago, but this is the first time the storms have really come directly across where she lives.
See the "A" in that picture? that is close to where my mom's house is.
In other news, there is no other news. No baby yet, still working on the same knitting projects, still down on my job. I do think I have a cold though.
Actually some news it that I tried my knitty knobby and it works fine but is BORING. And more hurty than regular knitting.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Never talk politics when you are hungry....
Or is it never talk lunch when you are politicking?
◄ lohahaha
◄ where shall we go? 10:46:00 AM
Flucas now I hope 10:46:07 AM
◄ is julio joining us? 10:46:22 AM
Captan she is out alll damn week --still in vegas 10:46:29 AM
Flucas what a lame ass 10:46:31 AM
◄ :D 10:46:34 AM
Captan I knowit! 10:46:36 AM
Flucas I am just jealous 10:46:41 AM
Captan hee 10:47:02 AM
Flucas the king might work 10:47:09 AM
Captan I am down with the king 10:47:41 AM
Flucas we are decided then. See, democracy
does work...ouch, I just bit my tongue 10:47:55 AM
Captan HAHAHAHHAHAH 10:48:25 AM
◄ oh btw I am going to need 15 billion dollars to
subsidise going to lunch for those that cannot afford it 10:48:28 AM
◄ like me 10:48:50 AM
◄And to declare war on Qdoba for infringing on the
rights of the king 10:49:14 AM
Flucas the king is a backstabbing thief.
Haven't you seen the latest blogs? 10:49:20 AM
Captan Hahahhaa 10:49:37 AM
◄ Still he has the fries that we need and Qdoba
does not so we will side with him 10:50:08 AM
◄hopefully Qdoba does not sue the king 10:50:08 AM
Flucas I'm a flip flopper anyway. I will denounce the
king until it is time to eat 10:50:13 AM
Captan HAHAHAHA 10:50:14 AM
◄nice 10:50:23 AM
Flucas thanks :) 10:50:32 AM
◄ think John Stewart is hiring? 10:50:53 AM
Captan be careful tv adds 15 lbs lol 10:51:18 AM
Flucas well, if we could ban the damn king,
I wouldn't be obese now would I?
Down with the King!!! 10:51:23 AM
◄ Is it lunch time yet? 10:51:36 AM
Captan Indeed let us go before there is a lunch coup 10:51:42 AM
Flucas kgo
Monday, September 8, 2008
Crappy weather and some other crap.
Speaking of cats we got the ClayPaws from little Bob yesterday. And the call that her ashes are ready. Poor kitty. We miss her.
WoWing too much altogether but it helped the mean and depressed this weekend. I wish I was playing now so I could help the mean and depressed at work.
We tore up the carpet in the kitchen this weekend and attempted to wash the glue-covered wood floor beneath. I am still hacking up the dust. Too bad the wood is not in any condition to refinish, it would be nice to have wood throughout. As it is we are putting down vinyl tile. As soon as that is begun we will get the new stove and our kitchen will be quite a bit nicer! Then the cabinet refinishing and tada~ house we are not in hate with.
I was really on a roll this past week with buying yarn and knitting stuff. Labor Day was %50 off at the Goodwill and Savers so I got a few bags of yarn and some needles (Boye Alum. but for $0.25 a set, hey.) I also bought this creature call a knitting knobby. I am not really sure how to use it yet. It seems unnecessarily complicated, even more so than just knitting some damn iCord.
I got som tiny crochet hooks to go with the thread I got from the craigslist lot, and now just need to figure out what to make!
I bought my Therapi yarn at My Sister Knits for Hat Attack 2 -- I am not quite as excited as I was for the first one, but I am getting there. I opted for some nice colors instead of hideous ones, because I want death to hurt the ego, not the eyes. Plus with a nice yarn, why make something they will hate?
I wanted to buy more stuff but I didn't really have the money. I was especially looking at the books, but did not see any that really made me go 'wow'. I am also refusing to start anything new other than HA2 until I finish the 10 unfinished projects I have in the works.
Gloves went pretty well up to the actual fingers, and then I was thwarted by just trying to read the pattern. Baby blanket was going okay until I took it to the stupid 'parent education" classes at my kid's high school (that's another show) and now I look at it and think of desk chairs and transactional analysis. Toilet paper scarf just needs to be finished and go as a gift to someone. It is just boring and has ginger tea on it. Panties (Mon Petit Chou) are stopped at the beginning because I was distracted by all kinds of things like baby and whatnot. Jacob's red and yellow hammer and sickle scarf hurts my eyes and is going to be painfully boring when I am past the design. The two crochets creatures are there because I am guilty about working on them before the other things. Kelley's socks? I am ashamed deeply. I must finish those.
So that is the bleh blog. Carry on.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wow, WoW.
I know, I know. Mock me all you want. I was sucked in by my friends Julia and Stacey, who were sucked in by their friend Claire (she's a knitter so it's cool.) I didn't want to do it but I got this new computer and all, so I needed to test it's capabilities. Haha.
Anyway, for any geeks that play reading this:
Night Elf Hunter lvl 85
Guild: Dropped Stitches
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
So I have hinted at it a few places....
His girlfriend is actually HAVING the baby. He is 19, she is 20. Baby due September 30, yes we found out about 1 month ago.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Touched by a strangelet.
"Concerns have been raised regarding the safety of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the grounds that high-energy particle collisions performed in the LHC might produce dangerous phenomena, including micro black holes, strangelets, vacuum bubbles and magnetic monopoles."
Anyway, have fun. OH -- forgot to mention it is mainly contained within France. Which means midnight is in 26 minutes. Enjoy.
If you had a mini black hole, would the singularity be a few inches away from the opening? So you could mess with the cat by throwing her into it and she would appear like a foot away?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Concert Nostalgia
I don't really know what my FIRST concert was but I am certain it was some weird hippie thing my parents took me to.
My first concert I actually remember was Crosby, Stills, & Nash. I saw them at Park West when I was like 11 -- so 1987? I also saw another concert that summer which I think was REO Speedwagon? Anyway, that was a little bizarre -- at CSN this drunk lady told me she wanted to take me home and I could be her daughter.
My first concert that I really was excited to see, that I chose to go to was R.E.M. on the Green tour. That must have been '89. I was with my dad and step-mom, and the show was in Salt Lake City -- at the Salt Palace maybe. I was in the 8th grade, and all my friends listened to crap like Vanilla Ice or Metallica. I wore that freaking tshirt for nine years straight.
I haven't been to as many concerts as some, because I am a big wuss when it comes to loud noise. But I did make it to a very memorable Nine Inch Nails concert with the Jim Rose Circus and Marilyn Manson opening. The spewing liquid from a three foot fake dick was certainly MM's high point. Plus, I totally blame Jim Rose for pushing my circus fetish up into my forebrain.
I took my Mom to the unforgettable Bob Dylan/Paul Simon concert where they sang "I Walk the Line" together. Some people actually after Bob Dylan was done playing, which I found odd, I mean the tickets were like 75$ and that was back in the day....
I saw the Rolling Stones at Mile High. I sat behind a pole. I was with my mother-in-law, my brother-in-law, and the father of my child. Ugh. I finally moved waaay down at the side of the stage and got within like 100 yards of Skeletor -- I mean Mick Jagger.
Of course there was the crappy Sheryl Crow show, featuring insulting the patrons in Billings, MT. She was so drunk she couldn't even remember the words to that song with the car wash in it. Look Sheryl, don't play a county fair and fuck it up. These people will not be satisfied with just getting their money back. Watch yourself.
Most of my best shows were at Red Rocks of course. Chieftans like five times with a variety of guests like Michelle Shocked, some Scottish punk band (Oi Polloi?), Sinead O'Connor...
Indigo Girls with Spearhead was awesome, singing "Midnight Train to Georgia."
k.d. lang was great as well. The venue really pumps up the show a LOT. And it is outdoors so a lot less noisy. And way more rain soaked. And the beer is still a million dollars.
My gayness is showing so I may as well bring it all the way home:
I have seen the Pet Shop Boys twice. Both times I was woefully the fat lesbian/fag hag in the crowd of twinks, but hey, I was like 10 years older than ANY of them so it was good. I could drink in the intermission. Eat it, you snarky little twats.
I saw Elton John in Laramie, Wyoming for a Matthew Sheppard benefit, which was the most surreal thing that had happened to me in a long time. Aside from the anti-gay epithets from drunk guys in the parking lot who were on their way INTO the show, it seemed a success.
I saw Tribe 8 at Michigan Women's Music Festival, and Jill Sobule, and Jane LeCroy. All fun and crazy shows. Jill Sobule was poorly attended because she played too early in the day. All the cranky old dykes in the "scent free zone" were awake all night chaperoning the men who run the sewage truck and all the young cranky dykes snuck off the land at 5:30 AM to go to the Village Inn in Ludington for some meat and coffee.
As much as I don't like indoor concerts, the Spearhead concert at Starlight was the best ever --- because my hot wife totally came on to me at that concert! I am a lucky bastard. Thanks Michael Franti! On second thought I could have just been really fucked up from the contact high and she wasn't coming on to me, but she accepted my crude advances anyway.
So far so good -- the elastic yarn is hard to knit with because I am constantly concerned about the tension. I am sure I have it too tight all the time, so of course by the end of it I will have blue whale size panties because I kept my gauge too loose.
I am using the Esprit in Wine colorway. These are for the upcoming "paddlecon" as Ed calls it. Not for me to wear -- for Kel.
Other things I want to make are these fishnets also from the knitty site and some "opera gloves" which have lacing up the back. I doubt I will finish before Thunder since I have been a lame non-finisher of things lately.
I have a dishcloth, two scarves, a amigurumi monkey, an amigurumi turtle, an amigurumi ninja, and a pair of socks to finish. In addition to these new panties.
Friday, July 11, 2008
FAC from the dead!
AA is in town and here mystical self will grace us with her presence tonight!
Surfside! 6ish! DO IT!
Oh and happy free slurpee day. Thanks anner!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Unscheduled outage.
One thing they mentioned was Alderny Airport, where they have a knit-while-you-wait corner, and all knit squares are used to make blankets for charity.
I think this is a great idea but I think that it would drive me nuts. I would always wonder if my square was good enough. Or did it make it into a blanket? Did someone use it as a nappy for their baby? Did it get blown or thrown away? Does the custodian steal a few of these for personal use?
Did Miss Aguilera really call herself "X-tina" for awhile? Wow, I really am learning a lot from Answer Me This. I also am so super duper excited about this new book I got yesterday called Creepy Cute Crochet. I am halfway through a tiny Cthulhu already!
Also I found a really weird convergence of things relating to not wanting children -- some stuff on another podcast (kinky) some stuff on Ravelry (wierd!) and some other thing that I ran across through Stumble Upon or something. After reading these sites I was weirded out.
Some of these people are downright crazy about it. Now I totally support a person's choice to not have kids. I don't think they are weird for not wanting kids. A guy I work with had a vasectomy when he was quite young and has a bunch of cats he loves, and is about to get married and not have kids with his girlfriend, and I think it rocks. I don't even think they are weird for not wanting to hang out around kids or for wanting kids to behave in stores, etc. If I were them I would treat an unruly kid just like an unruly dog -- in fact I do.
But some of these people are really fruitcakes. I call bullshit on their stupid complaints. Yeah kids are dirty. So are dogs. So are lizards. So are cats. SO ARE ADULTS! Take a look at any "expose" about how gross hotel rooms are, public restrooms, etc. Little kids have the common cold and jelly, not Hepatitis and semen. So have fun pissing in the bar toilet, which hasn't been properly cleaned since the homeless dude bathed in there last week. Then worry about that woman sitting her kid on the counter. Think about it. Diapered baby ass = STD free.
Oh and the "children should be seen and not heard unless spoken to"? I will remember that next time you are prattering away about your period in the middle of Target you stupid cunt, or when your dog barks for four hours while you are banging that slag from the Pizza Hut, or when you try to serenade your true love at karaoke after six martinis. GAG.
I hate kids behind me at restaurants, I hate screaming babies in theatres and on airplanes -- EVERYONE DOES! EVEN PEOPLE WHO HAVE KIDS.
It is a big world with a lot of annoyances. Stand up for yourself. Tell people to get their screaming, dirty kid away from you. And then grow up and get a fucking clue that they are no more annoying than half the adults or dogs you will ever meet and a lot less lethal than either.
I also love how somehow these people think that kids are different today than "in their time". These douchebags are like 23. Which means that I babysat these pieces of shit and let me tell you what they were like: dirty shrieking bastards whose parents indulged them. Yeah, you.
So I support your choice to not have like or be around kids. Now shut the fuck up about it.
Whew. Sorry. I hate intolerance don't you?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I am a pest!
Oh I also got this yesterday:

That's right, bishes, the LG enV2. It is totally awesome. I love the 'read my texts without opening it' feature and how it makes Collapse look as good as it is on my computer! I love how it has a 4GB microSD! This thing is almost as good as my danga-dang iPod. Now don't be coming around asking for money because you think I am rich-- this was free with my 2yr upgrade plan.
Oh, i am also back on my meds so I will probably be nicer. Or less lethal at least. Alliteration!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Swap is AWESOME!
Hailing from the northlands Minnesota, my World Wide Knit In Public Day (June 14th ya'll) swap partner, TwiNkQ, sent a great knitting bag she made herself, and some lovely yarn, knitting needles, and a CD with great music in addition to the patterns.
The bag as you can see, has a BEAR on it, and PIRATE-y skull and crossbones butttons!!!

For the Mystery Theme Swap, my swap partner Hreow from Scotland sent a massive amount of yarn, of hemp, linen, and Blue Faced Leicester wool! Plus Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch!

Also since the theme was Scotland, she included some beautiful books about Scotland, and the yarn appears to be all locally made.
So, swapping is totally worth it~
You give cool stuff and you get cool stuff!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Anxiety is an unusual thing.
Well through a long process of losing crap like I do sometimes (always paperwork, and the important stuff too. I put it where I will "always know where it is" and then forget.), I managed to lose the prescription my doctor wrote me a few months ago. I lost it because he wrote it a month early and so I put it somewhere and now I can't find the damn thing. My doctor will not write me a new one. So I have no meds.
How this affects you:
Well I am more grumpy. More angry. More likely to hate you on sight. I also have these mini-anxiety attacks -- I don't really know what else to call them. I don't freak out and go all crazy or pass out like Tony Soprano, or not at least so you would notice. In fact I could be having one AT ANY TIME and you would never know it. I might scowl more than usual.
My anxiety has gotten worse as I have gotten older, maybe because i have lost my youthful bravado and devil-may-care attitude. I think we all start to worry more about getting injured, about making a social or career blunder, about the consequences of our actions. Of course I will still do stupid crap often enough. My anxiety kicks in when I least expect it.
An example:
I went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, which is in Colorado Springs of course. In their new Rocky Mountain Wild exhibit the have a large tower which is supposed to be similar to a Forest Service lookout tower. I am not afraid of heights. I go on water slides, roller coasters, the Space Needle, the Rims, the Colorado National Monument, etc. This day I climbed these stairs (made of that metal with holes in it -- but the molded kind not the pultruded kind), I felt a surge of adrenaline -- and not in a good way. (Actually is adrenaline ever good? Isn't endorphin = good, adrenaline = bad. Damn you A&P.) I was scred! What?! I am not scared of anything! But no, I was not scared per se, just having an anxiety attack. Why? Who the hell knows?
My advice to you: Keep away from me. No, really, and if you come close bring yarn, fishing tackle, or other awesome gifts with you. For your own sake, really.
Also, I do not think knitting helps unless it is very quiet and no one is distracting me.
Friday, May 16, 2008
So an uneventful drive to the Springs and a nice relaxing lunch at Chili's near the Team American World Arena where the convention will be held did not prepare us for the drama of the "Early registration." The misleading text in the delegate instructions reads "Arrive any time between 1 and 7 pm", which makes it sound like a casual stroll into the hotel, check in with a sweet-faced volunteer, get some buttons and other stuff, get out of there. Woo!
It turned out to be a frighteningly long line which I am guessing was about 4 or 5 miles from beginning to end. The wait was approximately 4 hours. Mostly it was "Vote for me as delegate." and "Here, have a button for this candidate -- who I know you support because of the 119 other buttons you have already." or "Where is the bathroom? Where is the check in? Is this really the line? How do we get to the restaurant?"
At one point they (clarification: "they" is whoever the heck is in charge of the event and the volunteers, which was apparently a half-deaf wood rat with an utter disregard for humanity, time management, and structure) decided to pull one congressional district out of the main line for special processing because that CD needed to be at their 4:00pm meeting on time.
The members of that CD left and of course the line moved quite rapidly forward. The gaggle of us that had been standing together chugged forward, happy for a change of scenery. As we moved past a seating area in the hotel lobby, two women got up from the cushy leather couch they were lounging on, strolled over in their prissy pseudo-dyke outfits and got in line in front of us.
I was stunned. I have never in the 24 hours since I was watching the line in front of Wash bar seen such brazen "line cutting". From adults participating in their political process no less.
I asked the women politely if they were with the woman ahead of us. They ignored me. So I touched the shoulder of the "leader" of the two (she was the leader because she had short spiky blondish hair and was actually wearing her jacket, the other was nondescript and draped her jacket over her arm -- just so you know the cues) and asked her again if they were with the woman in front of us. She said no, that they were just in line. I remarked that we had previously been right behind the woman in the cowboy hat and now suddenly we were not. The "lead bitch" said unironically "We were sitting on a sofa over there and we got up when we noticed the line was starting to move." I said "I can see that, but we have been waiting two hours in this line and you can't just come in here and stand in front of us." Lead Bitch said "Well fine, sweetheart, you just go ahead!" in her snottiest Bitch voice and PUSHED ME. Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah. She said "I have severe arthritis in my back!" I said in my best AlphaNoYouDidNotJustTouchMeBitch voice "I Don't Give A FUCK About Your Arthritis, SWEETHEART. SHE (pointing to my partner) has arthritis in her neck. If you are so crippled you need to get a WHEELCHAIR. I don't give a SHIT but you are not cutting here." The OmegaTwat (I am assuming it was Lead Bitch's partner) decides to defend her mate and pipe up with her little yip of "She has arthritis in her neck too!" As if that was relevant to anything. I said " I still don't give a shit."
At this point Lead Bitch squawked some more about something which I totally ignored and they walked away TOWARD THE FRONT OF THE LINE! They were going to cut in front of someone closer the the front of the line! I was of course stating this observation as loudly as I could to the people who had been staring at us ever since I dropped the F-bomb in the middle of what should have been a civilized gathering. Once Lead Bitch and OmegaTwat realized every Democratic delegate in earshot was staring at them they petulantly stomped and huffed toward the back of the line, I am sure to cut in front of some 72 year-old lady or a war veteran with one leg and burn scars all over his body who had been waiting in line for hours NOT SITTING ON THEIR ASSES WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SEND THEM AN ENGRAVED INVITATION TO THE POLITICAL PARTY.
Ah. That felt good.
So anyway, more "news":
Janet Napolitano will be at the convention tomorrow. And a Clinton staffer, not sure who -- can't remember the name.
So no Clinton or Obama.Federico Pena is at the assembly tonight.
As of this writing, they are still convened.
WTF are they doing you ask? According to the Denver Post:
"The purpose of the Democratic state convention, which runs through Saturday, is to pick the final delegates to the national convention, firm up the party's platform, nominate congressional candidates and put Mark Udall on the ballot as the party's lone U.S. Senate candidate."
So there you go. I am not a delegate, just one of the supporters who polices the queuing of delegates. Oh, plus I bring Jolly Ranchers, chocolate, and cold Red Bull.
And I helped make this sign: (pic forthcoming)
Party on Democrats. On this day we rule the World Arena.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
It *IS* the rabbit!
It seemed like a typical boring Thursday at the US Department of Agriculture, but at 12:08 PM MDT, knottybear received a life-changing package from the mail dude at her office building. Despite the fact that it had been x-ray scanned and allowed entrance into a secure government facility, no Homeland Security officer or TSA screener could know the true sinister nature of the box so disarmingly sealed with purple duct tape. Even someone trained in animal disease surveillance like knottybear, who has read the Foreign Animal Disease manual every year for the last three years, and worked with such insidious characters as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (aka Mad Cow disease), Tuberculosis, Avian Influenza (aka Bird Flu), and Johnes (which has no aka because no one has even heard of it in the first place) -- even this learned person was no match for what was in this parcel.
Knottybear had questioned Mail Dude earlier in the day about parcels, so she was not surprised when Mail Dude called at 11:56 to say a package was waiting for her. Mail Dude and knottybear joked lightly about the fact that a slight difference in zip code had caused the package to go to many Denver suburbs before finally making it's way to Northern Colorado, with 47 cents due on the postage. It is now thought that the strong mystical powers of the contents caused confusion and obfuscation that few mail carriers can overcome without certain powerful charms and rituals.
The nearly weightless package was opened at knottybear's desk, while a co-worker looked on. After some awkward fumbling with a cluttered desk, the duct tape was sliced with a T-pin and the following images chronicle the ensuing horror, which no words can convey.

*Dealing With The Aftermath*
"It was kind of bizarre," said a coworker who wishes to remain anonymous.
"I did take some pictures on my cell phone, because I thought I might post it on you tube or something. You know, with "Don't Fear The Reaper" playing over a photo montage. Something that really captures the moment."
When asked, the coworker said that no, knottybear did not seem brave in the face of death, and the she "went down like a palm tree in a hurricane and cried like a b!t@h the entire time" the massacre was happening.
The creature, which was described by witnesses as "a cross between a rabbit and a toothy afghan", is still on the loose.
knottybear is survived by her dozens of useless cube decorations which include some foam animals, some pirate decorations, a Harry Potter calendar, and a drawing she made on the whiteboard of a suspicious llama.

Actually the foam animals have likely been pillaged by her co-workers by now.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Some crap.
I am predicting the appearance of odd deep-sea dwellers on the shores of Asian countries soon. Remember how there was that tidal wave in 2004, then in Jan/Feb 2007 there was the frilled shark AND the goblin shark within days of each other. Plus: "In 2003, more than a hundred goblin sharks were caught off the northwest coast of Taiwan, an area in which they have previously not been found. Reportedly, the sharks were caught a short time after an earthquake occurred in the area." -- Wikipedia
So China earthquake + Myanmar Cyclone = Japanese dudes catching the weirdest creatures in the sea.
This weirds me out. I think that it means something, like it is the end times or something --- when the sea monsters start coming up to play.
Here is the sappy and belated Mother's Day portion. While my child is now 14 years old and a surly, hulking, man-child, he was once upon a time a cute leetle baby.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Look at the cute smile and the eyelashes and the teddybear jammies!
After awhile things went bad:

Notice the unkempt hair, the savage countenance, the thuggish apparel. Oh the shins he could destroy.
It got better once:

See how he almost smiled? And is well dressed and clean. Yeah it was a wedding. Later he put tool-shaped confetti in his sparkling apple juice then choked on it and threw up.
He has morphed into a cynical surly beast that is all 'emo' when at the beach:
Anyway, happy Mom's day late everyone. Hope your kid remembered!
And remember! Strap on your vorpal sword, the creepy crawlies are rising from the deep!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Pure crochet taste of sweet crochet bring a pleasure.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Creepy and impractical.
Body -Laptop Interface
Monday, April 14, 2008
Knitter's Holiday Swap questionnaire
I am a non-smoker, no one smokes in my house.
I have dogs and cats. Cat hair will be kept to the lowest possible amount, but you must know how that goes.
I am willing to mail internationally.
I like sweet and salty treats, chocolate and pecans are two of my favorite things, alone or together. I also love trying new exotic foods/candies of any kind so bring on the salty licorice!
I can’t say I do knit socks as I have not yet completed a pair but I am up for it. I use all sizes of needles but prefer smaller than US10. I love yarns of all kinds, soft wool is my fave but I am game to try any new thing – jelly, crustacean, even synthetics!
I like black and burgundy reds, mostly earthy colors in a subdued palette, and grey blues. I do not like pinks for the most part, or ‘neon’ bright colors.
My swap partner should know I am brave, adventurous, curious, creative, and determined! So send things that you love and want to share, because I am always willing to try something different.
Mystery Theme Swap questionnaire
1. Name: Bear
2. Mailing Address: Colorado (my swap partner will get the real deal)
3. Email: I said...
4. Ravelry Id (if applicable): knottybear
5. Blog Address (if applicable): you're looking at it!
6. Do you knit or crochet? If both, what type of project would you prefer? both, prefer knit
7. What is your experience level? (i.e. are you a lace knitter extraordinaire, but a sock novice?) Advanced Beginner
8. Is there a particular type of pattern you would prefer? (sock, scarf, hat, etc.) Socks are an interest, but open to anything
9. Do you have any allergies that we need to be aware of? (animals, wool, chocolate, etc.) Nope!
10. Do you have pets? If so, what kind. Yes, Cats and dogs.
11. Do you smoke? Nope.
12. Do you have an online wish list you want to share with your partner? If so, what is the web address? no wish list -- Rav profile has a lot of info though
13. Are you willing to ship internationally? (Please keep in mind this will raise shipping costs) Yes.
14. Is this your first swap? Pretty much -- did hat attack but no actual swaps yet.
15. Are you willing to be a swap savior? Sure!
16. Theme suggestions (Please give at least 3) [examples: coffee, chocolate, bunnies, New York] Scotland, ocean, bears, bulls, pirates, fishing
17. In order for your partner to put together the best package they can, please give us a brief description of your likes and dislikes. [examples: favorite color, drink/goody preferences, fiber preferences]
I like both sweet and salty treats, chocolate and pecans are two of my favorite things, alone or together. I also love trying new exotic foods/candies of any kind so bring on the salty licorice!
I like black and burgundy reds, mostly earthy colors in a subdued palette, and grey blues. I do not like pinks for the most part, or 'neon' bright colors. I prefer natural fibers.
My swap partner should know I am brave, adventurous, curious, creative, and determined! So send things that you love and want to share, because I am always willing to try something different.
SWAPping goodness.
Some of you may remember by HAT ATTACK! experience, which I greatly enjoyed. Well I have decided to carry on with sending surprise things to strangers across the planet.
The difference from HAT ATTACK! is that your package is meant to bring joy to the recipient, not assassination. I know, it does seem contrary to my nature but I am going to give it a try.
Swap one: Knitter's Holiday Swap (LINK for those on Ravelry!) Great ongoing swap based on holidays of all kinds -- not just the major ones. Currently taking sign-ups for the World Knit in Public day!
Swap two: Mystery Theme Swap (Rav link, blog link) You suggest some themes, your partner interprets one of them in yarn and goodies.
I am excited to see what I get, and what I get to buy my swap partner!
For thoroughness sake, I am posting my questionnaires for both here.
Monday, March 24, 2008

Well kids, I think that's all she wrote.
After a good long time, we are saying goodbye to our regularly scheduled FAC. I was hoping to make it to our two year anniversary at least, but it turns out we are just too disorganized, and losing a key organizer is going to hurt us even more. Thanks to all of you who participated over the many months. Stay tuned for occasional special event FAC notices (like the upcoming ABSOLUTE event, and the Prom, both in April.
Also stay tuned for humor! I am full of it!
Happy Belated Easter!
Friday, March 21, 2008
FAC Goodbye
-- Robert Southey

We all should know by now that AA is moving to Craig, and hopefully some of us will be there for her final send-off for FAC tonight.

We will all miss her and she had better come visit a million times a year.

So as sappy as it may be, come to Coopersmith's tonight at around six-ish (Poolside) and have a beer and a slice and get your butt kicked at pool by AA before she has to drive over big mountain passes into the land of no martinis.
“The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour.” -- William James

“Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” -Henry David Thoreau
“Mystical explanations are considered deep. The truth is that they are not even superficial.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Friday, March 14, 2008
(You know how I like rhyming things, hence the name of this week's FAC post!!)
So you all know I like to knit. And I am a huge geek. So I give you a picture of this guy:
This is Jim Carroll. You may know him as the author of the very popular book-turned-movie "The Basketball Diaries."
He is also a poet, a punk musician, and a knitter! "In fifty plus years, claims to have knitted more than 6,500 hats and scarves for nieces, nephews and coworkers."
Right on.
As far as I know Leo does not knit. There are pictures of Russell Crowe with knitting in his hands:

I don't think he actually knows how, though. You can add Lawrence Fishburne to the list of men who knit, as well as James Buchanan (15th President of the United States!).
If anyone ( male or female) wants to knit with me, let me know! I can teach!
OH! FAC! Well as you know, Mystical, our favorite unicorn, has galloped over the Rocky Mountains to seek her fortune! So I will go to O'dells Tap Room for one or two beers at 4:45ish I think, and then mosey on from there to the Surfside or something...all the while missing or prance-y friend!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"Anything a king gives twice is an Order."
(from Silverwing's Laws which relates to SCA but I just liked this "law" in particular.)
Oh, and try this geek test if you dare:
Check out my score (click to enlarge):

Friday, March 7, 2008
FAC minus
SO, I am going to go not drink at some Old Town bar by myself. Hahahah.
And now, pictures of everything I have ever knit.
Just kidding. But check out the cool knitting/crochet below:

-- where the Jackrabbit? -- on Etsy!
Can't afford iPhone? Have Grandma knit one for you!

Can't afford a Darth Vader costume? Crochet one!

Can't afford this Ferrari? Too bad! Hhahahaha!

Wait! Yes you can, just knit it yourself!
Yes it is fully hand knit!

Can't afford condoms? Well don't have sex. (Or get some for free at your local Planned Parenthood. w00t!)
But as a cute little safe-sex education tool or a funny gift, a knit condom:

WARNING: KNIT CONDOMS DO NOT PREVENT PREGNANCY OR THE TRANSMISSION OF STDs such as the HIV. So if you have a knitting kink, I suggest you wear a real condom under this, okay? Thanks have fun you crazy kids!
Bear "Ew is that lint?" Bonney