The reason is that I went home, did the dishes, made some pasta and then had a small temper tantrum. It's okay, only the dogs saw and they are used to it.
Then I played a little WoW until I had to call in to my job. As a release manager when they deploy crap you have to check up on these code monkeys and make sure they are okay. So we have a call at six, for something that was supposed to take 30 min and started at 5. Of course it is not done, which is the way of computers. Not done at 7, or 8, but finally at 9pm it was done, and at 9:45 the shakedown testing was finished and I got the final call of the night.
I still don't have a car, but I am really thinking about just not getting one. I have a couple of serviceable bikes in my yard which just need a tune and new tires. Much cheaper than a car and I need to exercise anyway. I just don't want to have to settle for some twenty-year-old POS truck because there is not a lot out there right now in the way of affordable Toyotas. The ones I have seen are fugly or too expensive.
Check it out,
This beauty could be yours for only $3000. Wow.

And this could be a nice truck, except the color is a little overwhelming:

Apparently the guy got a good deal on yellow paint because had also had this to offer:

Well, I could have gotten some Krylon and painted it myself, you really didn't have to go to all that trouble....
And this gem is only $800, they couldn't be bothered to take a full size picture, and if this is what they show, one wonders what they are hiding:

"the blazer is located at my parents house"
They are only hiding the fact that you have to drive to the middle of their property to the stock tank to get it. Oh wait: " hit bad on the passenger side door and fender which also broke the right side of the ifs so MUST BE TOWED" I see, so it "Still starts up and runs good every time with no leaks anywhere ever" but the frame is hashed. So useless.
Anyway I am just angry. I hate cars. I am buying a horse.
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