Thursday, September 28, 2006


Hey all,

In the spirit of ethnic diversity, we are going to Lucky Joe's to be Irish for awhile and then to be Greek at the Northern Colorado Greek Festival for FAC this week.

What is FAC you ask? Friday Afternoon Club! Or Fish And Chips! Or both!

Where is Lucky Joe's you ask? In Old Town Square on the Southwest sector (around the corner from Beau Joe's). Preview food/events/specials here:

Where is this Greek Festival you ask? All over Old Town according to my sources, Friday evening from 5 to 10pm, no togas, no fraternities, we're talking actual Greek people and thier descendents here folks.

Why should you come you ask? Well, all the cool kids are doing it. It's fun. It's different. Get to know your co-workers.

Oh, and let me show you my huge muscles....

Er, mussel.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hey y'all!

So this week is the Trailhead Tavern, which is on Mountain Ave 1/2 block west of College in old town. Either parking garage is very close.
4:00 Friday afternoon. Let's not have any gas explosions or illness or bad things happen, 'kay?

Oh, and here is a tiny marsupial, a sugar glider to be exact:

Wednesday, September 6, 2006


Hey guys, FAC is going to be at 4:00ish at the new location of Tailgate Tommy's (old County Cork across Drake from front of Vet hospital). Be there or be a small rectangle.

Oh, here is a tiny hamburger: