So an uneventful drive to the Springs and a nice relaxing lunch at Chili's near the Team American World Arena where the convention will be held did not prepare us for the drama of the "Early registration." The misleading text in the delegate instructions reads "Arrive any time between 1 and 7 pm", which makes it sound like a casual stroll into the hotel, check in with a sweet-faced volunteer, get some buttons and other stuff, get out of there. Woo!
It turned out to be a frighteningly long line which I am guessing was about 4 or 5 miles from beginning to end. The wait was approximately 4 hours. Mostly it was "Vote for me as delegate." and "Here, have a button for this candidate -- who I know you support because of the 119 other buttons you have already." or "Where is the bathroom? Where is the check in? Is this really the line? How do we get to the restaurant?"
At one point they (clarification: "they" is whoever the heck is in charge of the event and the volunteers, which was apparently a half-deaf wood rat with an utter disregard for humanity, time management, and structure) decided to pull one congressional district out of the main line for special processing because that CD needed to be at their 4:00pm meeting on time.
The members of that CD left and of course the line moved quite rapidly forward. The gaggle of us that had been standing together chugged forward, happy for a change of scenery. As we moved past a seating area in the hotel lobby, two women got up from the cushy leather couch they were lounging on, strolled over in their prissy pseudo-dyke outfits and got in line in front of us.
I was stunned. I have never in the 24 hours since I was watching the line in front of Wash bar seen such brazen "line cutting". From adults participating in their political process no less.
I asked the women politely if they were with the woman ahead of us. They ignored me. So I touched the shoulder of the "leader" of the two (she was the leader because she had short spiky blondish hair and was actually wearing her jacket, the other was nondescript and draped her jacket over her arm -- just so you know the cues) and asked her again if they were with the woman in front of us. She said no, that they were just in line. I remarked that we had previously been right behind the woman in the cowboy hat and now suddenly we were not. The "lead bitch" said unironically "We were sitting on a sofa over there and we got up when we noticed the line was starting to move." I said "I can see that, but we have been waiting two hours in this line and you can't just come in here and stand in front of us." Lead Bitch said "Well fine, sweetheart, you just go ahead!" in her snottiest Bitch voice and PUSHED ME. Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah. She said "I have severe arthritis in my back!" I said in my best AlphaNoYouDidNotJustTouchMeBitch voice "I Don't Give A FUCK About Your Arthritis, SWEETHEART. SHE (pointing to my partner) has arthritis in her neck. If you are so crippled you need to get a WHEELCHAIR. I don't give a SHIT but you are not cutting here." The OmegaTwat (I am assuming it was Lead Bitch's partner) decides to defend her mate and pipe up with her little yip of "She has arthritis in her neck too!" As if that was relevant to anything. I said " I still don't give a shit."
At this point Lead Bitch squawked some more about something which I totally ignored and they walked away TOWARD THE FRONT OF THE LINE! They were going to cut in front of someone closer the the front of the line! I was of course stating this observation as loudly as I could to the people who had been staring at us ever since I dropped the F-bomb in the middle of what should have been a civilized gathering. Once Lead Bitch and OmegaTwat realized every Democratic delegate in earshot was staring at them they petulantly stomped and huffed toward the back of the line, I am sure to cut in front of some 72 year-old lady or a war veteran with one leg and burn scars all over his body who had been waiting in line for hours NOT SITTING ON THEIR ASSES WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SEND THEM AN ENGRAVED INVITATION TO THE POLITICAL PARTY.
Ah. That felt good.
So anyway, more "news":
Janet Napolitano will be at the convention tomorrow. And a Clinton staffer, not sure who -- can't remember the name.
So no Clinton or Obama.Federico Pena is at the assembly tonight.
As of this writing, they are still convened.
WTF are they doing you ask? According to the Denver Post:
"The purpose of the Democratic state convention, which runs through Saturday, is to pick the final delegates to the national convention, firm up the party's platform, nominate congressional candidates and put Mark Udall on the ballot as the party's lone U.S. Senate candidate."
So there you go. I am not a delegate, just one of the supporters who polices the queuing of delegates. Oh, plus I bring Jolly Ranchers, chocolate, and cold Red Bull.
And I helped make this sign: (pic forthcoming)
Party on Democrats. On this day we rule the World Arena.

Your fortune cookie says, "Your support is invaluable, and you willingness to perform police functions make you a team player."
Thanks! I think my fortune cookie is a little biased;) you!
Good to know someone reads this still!
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