I don't really have a blog, at least not the way some people have blogs, like they comment daily on the weather or the Avs or the politics or their dog or something. Or sometimes they just tell you how sad/sick/horrible/wonderful/sex-filled their life is.
I can't do that. BUT I was thinking about it, and the FAC email is kind of like my weekly blog, a thing that I inflict upon you with a higher purpose than just me spewing crap at you. (that purpose is for us to get together and socialize --- in case you couldn't figure it out.
SOOOOOOOOOO in an exciting turn of events, I have made an FAC blog!
I know, it is an unexpoected coup like Hillary winning New Hampshire. I am sure you all are stunned, especially after all my crying.
I have posted as many of the old FAC emails as blogs as I could already, and I will post all the old ones eventually, plus there are some bonus blogs on there, like a rant about Diet Coke, and a thing about the post office and a story that was for "Blog Like It's The End Of The World" day. You can even learn how to make a kilt. Really.
The cool thing about this is that you can get it from anywhere, you don't have to clutter up your email box, and if there happened to be, say, a SAN failure in the USDA building (I know, that would never happen, but WHAT IF!?) you could still know where the cool kids will be swilling beer!
Oh, what's that you say? What is the link??? Give it to you now, you cannot wait to read months and months of old FAC emails on government time!? Okay!
Guess what? Some humorous images because I can......
Wait -- what? you also want to know where we are going for FAC? Hahahah.
Well this week I am going to a housewarming party on Friday in Denver, so no FAC.
The blog has comments too, so you can comment on any post.

Bear "Name changed to avoid ex-girlfriends" Bonney
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