Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finally -- My dream come true!

Found on craigslist today. I already have dibs on this so you can't have them! Nyah!
Now I just need to get an iPod which I can dedicate solely to bootleg hippie tapes, and one of those things that will allow me to play the cassettes--- whaddya callit? a cassette player? Oh yeah and one of those cords that goes to my Mac Book so that I can upload all the audio onto that and then to my iPod.... ONE AND A HALF DECADES OF STICKING TO THE MAN!

320+ Phish Tapes - $200

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Date: 2008-01-23, 11:40AM MST

I've got over 320 Phish shows from 1984 to 1999 on cassette that I need to get rid of. They're in great shape - each tape with it's own case and set list.

  • Location: effing rich hippieland
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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