Sadly nothing lasts forever, even the relatively good behavior of the burners.
What this jack-monkey doesn't get is that burners will be further galvanized toward love and hope by this action, and even more people will be there next year.
I am sure fully half of the burners are like "What? what happened? I was totally dripping glow stick juice on my lobster car, what did I miss?!". This has no affect on them except to make for some fun rumors. Nice try saboteurs!
I must let you know I had a dream about being at Burning Man and it was super realistic. All I did was wander the desert looking for water and toilet paper. No, I know it is really fun and crazy and lots of people have a really great time. It is just not for me, as I am waaaaay more uptight than I pretend to be especially about washing my hands and not dying of dehydration.
One again a tangential rant about nothing gets in the way of my true purpose: FAC!!!!!!!!
I already know who is coming to FAC. I already know where we are going. So do you. If you are coming, you know it, and if you are then you know where it is. I won't bore the rest of you with the details. (Me, Luke?, Steven, AA @ Surfside 4:30ish -- you should join us!)
BUT YOU NEVER KNOW -- last week we ended up at Old Chicago! We could go anywhere! We are a bunch of wild and crazy guys (and gals). So show up for the complete randomness of it all.
I will bore you with some news of upcoming events:
No FAC for me on the 14th of September. I have to bartend. SOOOOOOOOOOOO if you want you can come to where I am bartending and have FAC with me as your surly bartender! How awesome is that!?
TRIVIA is still going on Friday at 8, at Choice City Shots!!!! I give away cool prizes and I am almost this funny in person! Come on down, bring your friends! Don't be afraid of the gay bar!
Check out a sample round from a couple weeks ago:
Hail to the Chief
1. Which of these US presidents was born in Texas? A) Dwight D Eisenhower B) George W Bush C) Ronald Reagan D) George H. W. Bush
The retreat known as Camp David is named after what 20th-century president’s grandson?
3. Who is buried in Grant’s Tomb?
What U.S. President was revealed to suffer hemorrhoids after Egyptian president Anwar Sadat mentioned them in a public plea for prayers?
5. Who is known as the “High Chief” of the Wu-Tang Clan? **“High Chief” is the alias of what Wu-Tang rapper?
6. "Hail to the Chief" is the official anthem of the President of the United States, the song accompanies the President at almost every public appearance. The U.S. Department of Defense it the official announcement music in 1954. What musical signifier of honor precedes this piece when played for the President?
That Sports round I promised you
1. Of the 41 Super Bowl games played to date, 36 of them have occurred in which month?
What tennis mogul was the Elton John song “Philadelphia Freedom” written for?
What famed baseball player had a bat known as Black Betsy, so called because of the countless splatters of tobacco juice?
Which of these professional sports leagues does NOT contain at least one Canadian team? A) MLB B) NHL C) NFL D) NBA
What is the official name of the mascot of the Cleveland Indians?
WFJF is the initial for the official organization for what obscure sport, played with two opponents standing face to face and grasping hands as if pointing and arm wrestling at the same time?
Kind of Science-y
1. Udden-Wentworth Scale is used by geologists to measure what?
2. Torino Impact Hazard Scale measures the risk of what natural disaster?
What part of the body is affected if you suffer from ‘bruxism’?
What is the only Great Lake that is NOT bordered by the stat of Michigan?
5. This fatal disease once found in Papua New Guinea is contracted from eating human brains – part of a native funereal ritual in which mourners would dismember and devour their newly deceased loved one.
6. In the 1970’s the traditional skull-and-crossbones poison symbol was replaced with a scowling, green character named what?
Semper fidelis is the motto of which branch of the US military?
After only two months, what title was taken away from Suzette Charles in 1984?
Which of these comedians-turned-movie-stars was NOT born in Canada? A) Bill Murray B) Jim Carrey C) Mike Myers D) Dan Aykroyd
To save money for the war effort, Academy Award Oscar statuettes during WWII were made of what material?
Christopher Columbus captained which ship when he “discovered” American in 1492? A) Nina B) Pinta C) Santa Maria D) Mayflower
6. Baltimore’s historic Fort McHenry was constructed in what identifiable shape?
**Bonus question: What patriotic song was inspired by the flag flown above the fort in the war of 1812?
No More Kings
1. Bob Dylan wrote the song “It Ain’t Me Babe” for what folk singer?
2. Who was behind the wheel during the famous 1969 auto accident that killed Mary Jo Kopechne?
3. Who is the first character to die in Shakespeare's “Hamlet”?
4. In the movie The Queen starring Helen Mirren as Elizabeth II, it is said more than once that the position of being monarch of Great Britian killed her father. Who was her father?
5. What 17th century king is New York named after?
6. What play was being performed at London’s Globe Theatre when it burned down in 1613?
**Bonus: How many siblings does Heir Apparent to the Britsh crown Prince Charles have?** BONUS Bonus: Name them
Feel free to answer these and maybe I will give you a prize. Just remember that your stats may go down after two beers and without Google! LOL.
Yes I write or rephrase almost all these questions. A few are stolen verbatim from unnamed sources, but since I make NO MONEY from this I am okay with that.
Bear"Shut your mouth smartass" Bonney
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