Thursday, January 24, 2008

FAC post holiday let-down

SERIOUSLY? Did I have to do that?! I hope no one was eating. (I had a much larger version of the picture at first so thank your lucky stars I shrank it...)

Anyway, my lungs are well enough to go to Coopersmith's Poolside to have a beer at 6PM for FAC.
Sorry this is so late, but the medication and illness is kinda eating my brain power.
Besides I was only at work yesterday and today.

How was the Holiday?

Christmas was typically anticlimactic for me this year. As I age I like Christmas less and less. Traditions fall by the wayside and it seems to hard to create your own or reconnect with the old ones. Finally my Mom is stable enough that maybe my kid's kids will have traditions again. Like driving to see the lights, or setting some cookies out for Santa or setting the tree on fire. Perhaps the time-honored blistering the tongue on the caramel or spilling molten praline on your kid sister will make a resurgence.
These are the things our children do not get, mostly because of cell phones, xbox, and plain old laziness. And the kids play xbox too!! Parents, put down the Guitar Hero and make some popcorn balls for Jesus' sake! Who cares if it is a fire hazard? LIVE A LITTLE! Make the kids clean up, half the fun of making candy is getting fiberglass-like sugar all over your body. So the cat has a fudge mohawk, who cares? At least they are feeding him.

Anyway, hope you all survived whatever you did, Happy new year and come see us at Coops tonight!!

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