Well we got 16th out of like 42 teams at the Geek Bowl 2008! (EDIT: Official score 87 POINTS!) Pretty good, seeing as some of the questions were like this:
Name the three people the face of E.T. was modeled after.
WTF? We had no clue.
The Fury sez this: "Ghandi, Estelle Getty, and Sammy Davis Jr. Final answer."
Which made WAY more sense than the real answer. And was funnier. In fact, I think if you just say "Estelle Getty" that is almost the funniest thing ever.
One of us did know that Ordinary People and Ferris Bueller's Day Off were both based in Chicago suburbs and could recognize the Millenium Dome on sight. He also happens to know the velocity of gravity -- which I will never stop talking about because I am so jealous. .
Another of us knew things like the director of the film that was put on hold due to Heath Ledger's death, and no guys, it was not the Batman movie, so forget even going there. He also recognized a sex scene from Sliver.
One of us knew the last word in the Hail Mary BEFORE 'amen'. One of us knew every freeaking song they played a guitar riff from, except the title for Van Halen's Eruption -- none of us got that.:( One of us knew Malcom Gladwell. NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WAS ME.
I am certain I added nothing to our 16th place finish. I knew a lot of stuff, of course, but nothing that no one else on the team knew.
Ah, well, maybe someday again I will reprise leaping out of my chair to whisper "CHESS!" into my teammate's ear, confident that I am right. And then sit down hard and fall backwards and hit my head on the floor. Good times.
I don't want to make it seem like I never had good knowledge. One night I won three free beers on bonus questions. Of course it was a night that I was not drinking. Knowledge of Monty Python, Marie Callendar, and Rainbow Bright will only get you so far.
Ah well, on to some photos (click any image to make it huger):
Geek Bowl logo, dude is running a 20-sided die:

And I think he is wearing a NASA diaper.
My team (Legion of Doom -- only 3 members represented) and The Frostys in Catholic drag, along with the Coopersmith's Quizmasters:

The GWD logo:

And their larger than life real dolls:

Popular trivia question: What are the names of the two old man heckler puppets that sit in the balcony on the Muppet Show? Remember at Geeks Who Drink there is no Google!
This is John Dicker and Joel Peach, founders of GWD, reading off the name of the $1000 First Place winners:

Let it be known to all that Dicker looks like the father of my child and no that is not a come-on, it is a SCIENTIFIC FACT.
We also met some "actual nerds from New Mexico" as advertised. They were cool geeks from team Captain Tightpants and they win constantly at Burt's Tiki Lounge in Albuquerque.
Last week I was craving Mexican food.
I am still craving delicious Mexican food. I had some pretty good stuff I made at home last Thursday, but it really doesn't compare to the real thing, so for FAC this week we are going to get dinner at Las Salsitas!
1010 S College Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Fort Collins, CO 80524
It is just South of IHOP, they share a parking lot. Go to the website and check out the menu, it is so good. I am having rellenos for sure, who knows what else. Here's the thing -- the tortillas are made fresh for your individual order. No shit. BUT they do not serve alcohol as far as I know. So your are gonna drink your cola and eat a delicious meal and then we will soberly make our way downtown to a place that does serve alcoholic beverages. EAT BEFORE YOU DRINK, wake up happy.