Alright, so there is a little too much of the internet chat-speak. (which is not even correct because you can't 'chat' because you are not 'speaking', like a sign doesn't SAY Keep off the grass, it READS Keep off the grass! Don't Do Drugs, I write!) Enough semantics, let's get on with it....
I want to know if any one wants to do FAC this week. I know the weather is getting better all the time and the prospect of spending all Friday afternoon in a dark bar is not so appealing to some. SO if you really want to garden or walk your dog, or go for a bike ride or take a nap on your lawn -- well DO IT!
I think FAC this week will be canceled. Unless I hear riots of dissent. I am taking Friday off because it is the day after my bday, so I will not be around anyway. Audrey Anna is out of town to see some sort of infant human or something. I don't know what everyone else is up to....
BUT if anyone wants to hang out Friday night, just give me a call. Also don't forget that some of us are going regularly to the Geeks Who Drink trivia at Coopersmiths on Sundays at 7:00pm.
Lazy days of summer loom ahead, where I will play with a new pet that is just my speed!

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