This past week(end) was marked by a small but stalwart group at FAC. We got to have a lot of fun at the brewery, saw some cool art, ate some tasty Surfside cheese fries (the fries there are the BEST), and even took over Elliot's for a brief time. We also coincidentally re-convened at Coopersmith's on Sunday night for the Geeks Who Drink trivia. Without Luke, our team "LEGION OF DOOM", would have never won. We knocked the "Frosted Prom Virgins" skirts in the dirt. There was some unrest about our win, but we will certainly be back next week right up front to show those chuckleheads that we are not a fluke! (Wouldn't that be a great villian? 'The Fluke', it would look like that leech-man from the X-Files and have the power to emit a horrible gas....)
ANYWAY, on to the upcoming FAC and what are we doing this week??
Well I am taking votes for Pitchers or Sliders. I think we should get some more trivia on. Plus those places are close and not too expensive. Despite the uncomfortable time I had at Sliders last time, that is my vote.
Tell me what you want or we will default to Sliders. OR if you have another place you want added to the voting list for this or future weeks, let me know.
I am including the whole Ken Jennings trivia for this week at the very end of this post.
But first a word from our sponsors:
This is a picture from Burning Man, supposedly this car resides during the other 11 months of the year right here in Ft Collins!:

Tuesday Trivia XLV! Accept no substitutes! I just wrote the questions for this week and I'm starting to think they're too hard. If you agree, just write TOO HARD on your submission, followed by the profanity of your choosing, and you will be given full credit.
Congrats to our perfect scorers last time. Was that you? Find out at . And since this Sunday is Mother's Day...a big Tuesday Trivia shout-out to all the moms out there. Kick out the jams, Mother's-Day-ers.
(Also, speaking of Mother's Day, shouldn't the apostrophe come *after* the 's'? Is there one particular Mother we are meant to be honoring now ? If it's Mother Earth, why didn't my local Wiccan bookshop inform me of this development?)
1. In which EU country is the first national language spoken fluently by fewer than a tenth of its people?
2. What movie was originally titled $3,000, for the size of Vivian Ward's paycheck?
3. Which signer of the Declaration of Independence was a brewer by trade?
4. What optical component is named, in the 17th century, for the legume whose shape it resembles?
5. What crime were "resurrectionists" guilty of?
6. What Fort Payne quintet is the only band ever named Entertainer of the Year at the Country Music Awards?
7. In the four major North American sports organizations, what unusual distinction is shared by these teams and no others? Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Detroit Red Wings, Detroit Tigers, Indianapolis Colts, New York Jets, and Toronto Maple Leafs?
1. What media company's logo is a dog whose left eye is a five-pointed star? Dog + star = Sirius Satellite Radio, soon to merge with XM.
2. Why did Joseph Hazelwood spend three years working at Bean's Cafe, an Anchorage, Alaska, soup kitchen? This was part of his community service for running the Exxon Valdez aground in Prince William Sound, causing the infamous oil spill.
3. What novel's narrator is only referred to as "the second Mrs. de Winter"? Rebecca is the first Mrs. de Winter.
4. Who's the only person to land atop Mr. Blackwell's "Worst Dressed" list three times, in 2001, 2006, and 2007? Britney Spears, though she shared the latest honor with Paris Hilton. Maybe the two can celebrate by going underwear-shopping together.
5. What word, from the Greek for "uneven," refers to a triangle whose sides all have different lengths? Flashback to 6th-grade geometry: those are scalene.
6. HO scale is the world's most popular size of what? Model railroads.
7. What unusual distinction is shared by these countries, and no others? Afghanistan, Australia, Burma, Canada, French Polynesia, India, Iran, Nepal, New Zealand, and Sri Lanka. All have (in whole or in part) really kooky time zones--the kind that are offset by 15, 30, or 45 minutes from UTC rather than a whole number of hours.
Bear "National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation" Bonney
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