This was started by my inability to afford more Utilikilts. I found They have tons of posts in the forums about DIY kilts and one guy even wrote up a step-by-step. I may interject now again about what I did different from him, but for the most part his guide is followed to the letter. Well, I must have erred somewhere because my kilt is a little big but that is way better than being too small.
First get the directions here so you can follow along:
To the left you see the black cotton twill I have, 60in wide by 3 yards, ready to be cut on the fold and sewn end to end* to make a 30in wide 6 yd long piece ( I am fat so I need a big kilt).
I have washed it in hot water and dried it on high in the dryer, so it is pre-shrunk and fully washable. I have also ironed out the major wrinkles.
*contrary to directions, but I took the risk and was able to hide the seam in a pleat easily
The first step (after all the measuring) is to hem the bottom.
Here is my hem pinned and sewn.
I folded mine over twice for a neat finish.
I ironed before I sewed it down.
I want this to be a very neat "formal" kilt so I took extra time to keep it very neat.
To the lower right is the
fall line and the beginning of the pleat lines
and marked them all
with hash marks before
drawing the full line)
I am using a flat square tailor's chalk to draw the lines.
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