As we look upon the sad events this week at Virginia Tech, we should remember that this Friday is the anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School.
I guess we should remember to pay attention to our kids, to our co-workers, our neighbors, to our friends and family, to notice their pain and depression, to offer support to them. I probably went through a lot of High School as the "question mark kid". (Actually I was "That girl that wears a cape" or "that freak with the cane") All of us have felt like we were on the outside at some point, and hopefully someone was there for us.
BUT in an effort to celebrate our connections to one another and form better relationships with our friends and co-workers, we really need to keep up the FAC tradition!
So let us all go forth to SLIDERS on Friday afternoon and remember those that have passed, celebrate those we are with and try to humiliate Berri by kicking her butt in trivia!
FAC April 20th at Sliders, 1006 Spring Creek Lane (Shields and Stuart), 4:30pm
Andy Serkis was born on April 20th:

Actually, so was another really creepy guy.....
You know, not a lot really good happened on the 20th in History, so instead I will show you some fabulous photos selected for your pleasure (click for larger):
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