Insult of the year -- well, I am not sure I should even write it out, but here: d0uc#eb@g
Theme of the year: failure or more specifically FAIL
This theme is followed closely by DO NOT WANT and some other LOLCAT sayings such as OH NOES.
If this is confusing any of you, please feel free to ignore this all and dodge the internets for the next 10 years in an effort to avoid it. It will damage you for sure. Not as much as ratemypoo, but damage it will. (DO NOT go to ratemypoo at work, mmkay? vomit is hard to remove from cube walls.)
Okay, okay, I know that was totally unfair to bait y'all like that.
(But I dare you to google the words "rate my". HAHAHAHAH. God bless you internets!)
So for this weeks FAC we will explore some failure and some success!
Failure to thrive = Starlight (R.I.P)
If you all remember the Starlight and what a fun place it was when a lot of people I knew worked there, hooray! If you don't then you are not missing much, to tell the truth. The bathrooms were the WORST, yes worse than the Surfside, I kid you not. Some of you may know that the Starlight(lite?) is now called Hodi's Half Note, which is an idiotic name I think. BUT it turns out that on Fridays from 5 to 8 they have a happy hour of grand proportions -- 2.00 domestics, 2.00 local micros, and 2.50 wells, plus some sort of gross shot for only 3.00! Huzzah! Success!
After the deployment of BSE on VSLS I am sure there will be numerous more failures and hopefully some successes to report. Let's plan on getting to Hodi's around 5 ( I may be at the Surfside before then because I will reach my Tour of Duty no later then 10 am on Friday, so WHOO! short day for me) (HA HA.)
If anyone even knows what this costume is supposed to be, tell me:

Bear "I was really hoping to get a mobile version of Vista on the iPhone" Bonney
ETA: HODI'S FAIL, they were not even open. I hate that place.
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