So days 2-3: Day two was mostly about work. I kind of started to settle in, do some things rather than just follow like a puppy. Finally got my email setand the work laptop wrangled into submission. I set up some printers and other menial crap. After work I went to Olde Main Brewing for dinner and a delicious beer. I set my ambition too high, because not only did I not have dinner, I didn't get to find out if it was delicious beer. I was seated by the hostess and then ignored until I walked out 25 minutes later. I did read today that yesterday was some Zoo Brew event so maybe they were short staffed in the actual restaurant but seriously? How long does it take to get a drink order from one person? I wouldn't have cared about the wait if I had been sipping beer. Well, I will try again another night.
I stopped by the HyVee grocery store and got three things: candied ginger which was $3 for like half a pound (good deal!), "masala roasted chick peas", and a prepack salad from the deli. The chick peas were disappointing because they tasted heavily of sulphur. The ginger was okay, very spicy but not so much crystallized as heavily sugared. Some bitterness and skin on some pieces.
So I went back to the hotel, drank a cider, found out my kid was getting out of kid jail, had a long talk with my wife and had lousy sleep again.
Day 3 has been all about the food. Finally checked out the hotel breakfast, which was okay because of juice and coffee to-go cups. But lunch is Taco Time. I love Taco Time because when I was a kid and lived with my paternal grandparents every weekend was marked by a couple of important things. My grandfather had very specific food needs on the weekend. On Sunday it was 3pm popcorn from the big air popper, but Saturday for lunch it was two crisp bean burritos from the Taco Time down the hill. So today for lunch I got two crisp bean burritos and enjoyed the hell out of them.
Also stopped by the convenience store, where they sell 24oz soda bottles instead of the usual 20oz. So weird.
So tonight I may try some local flavor such as the Doolittle Prairie Walk. Or go back to my room and watch crap TV again for the 3rd night in a row with some Olde Main beer in a bottle from the convenience store next to my hotel.
Still a lot of corn and penises:

LATER on Day 3: Iowa just went up a lot in standing because I just got to see a whole bunch of little baby bison. Awwww... cuh-cute! I want to sqeeeeze them.
Baby bison can make any day great.
Don't tell them I was eating bison sausage for dinner though :/ I'd feel bad.
MMMMMM baby bison is the most tender.... I KEED. I would eat bison right now though. Yum.
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