Friday, September 19, 2008

Stolen From a Raveler's Rav post/LJ:

“So this morning I opened up my email and found yet ANOTHER forward from a woman who keeps forwarding me anti-Obama stuff. First few times I was like “I think you have the wrong email.” And she would come back with “Well, I’m not perfect!” But it’s not stopped. So this morning, I found this:

Subject: Take PBS survey on Palin - Let’s turn this around

Do this survey, click link below, one question, takes one second, let’s turn
this PBS on their ear…..send to your friends….

Let’s turn this around!!!


PBS has a short video on Sarah Palin on their website. Also included is a
poll that asks: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be VP?

I logged on a few minutes ago and 33% percent had voted YES, 67% NO.

Let’s turn this around….. You don’t have to give your name or email
address in order to vote. It’s very simple.

PBS hates conservatives————

Here’s the link:

So do what she says, folks! Go vote for the survey, send this to all of your friends, direct them back here to the link, whatever.

For the sake of repetition, here’s the poll again:

I email her back with “Thanks! I put my “No” vote in, and forwarded it to all my friends!”

So, kids, now it is here and yes it is one of those idiotic things that means NOTHING. but if you are so inclined, click a radio button.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane hits home.

So my mom is enduring her first Hurricane this weekend. She moved to Texas a couple of years ago, but this is the first time the storms have really come directly across where she lives.

See the "A" in that picture? that is close to where my mom's house is.

In other news, there is no other news. No baby yet, still working on the same knitting projects, still down on my job. I do think I have a cold though.

Actually some news it that I tried my knitty knobby and it works fine but is BORING. And more hurty than regular knitting.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Never talk politics when you are hungry....

Or is it never talk lunch when you are politicking?



◄ where shall we go? 10:46:00 AM

Flucas now I hope 10:46:07 AM

is julio joining us? 10:46:22 AM

Captan she is out alll damn week --still in vegas 10:46:29 AM

Flucas what a lame ass 10:46:31 AM

:D 10:46:34 AM

Captan I knowit! 10:46:36 AM

Flucas I am just jealous 10:46:41 AM

Captan hee 10:47:02 AM

Flucas the king might work 10:47:09 AM

Captan I am down with the king 10:47:41 AM

Flucas we are decided then. See, democracy

does work...ouch, I just bit my tongue 10:47:55 AM

Captan HAHAHAHHAHAH 10:48:25 AM

oh btw I am going to need 15 billion dollars to

subsidise going to lunch for those that cannot afford it 10:48:28 AM

like me 10:48:50 AM

And to declare war on Qdoba for infringing on the

rights of the king 10:49:14 AM

Flucas the king is a backstabbing thief.

Haven't you seen the latest blogs? 10:49:20 AM

Captan Hahahhaa 10:49:37 AM

Still he has the fries that we need and Qdoba

does not so we will side with him 10:50:08 AM

hopefully Qdoba does not sue the king 10:50:08 AM

Flucas I'm a flip flopper anyway. I will denounce the

king until it is time to eat 10:50:13 AM

Captan HAHAHAHA 10:50:14 AM

nice 10:50:23 AM

Flucas thanks :) 10:50:32 AM

think John Stewart is hiring? 10:50:53 AM

Captan be careful tv adds 15 lbs lol 10:51:18 AM

Flucas well, if we could ban the damn king,

I wouldn't be obese now would I?

Down with the King!!! 10:51:23 AM

Is it lunch time yet? 10:51:36 AM

Captan Indeed let us go before there is a lunch coup 10:51:42 AM

Flucas kgo

Monday, September 8, 2008

Crappy weather and some other crap.

So today is a shitty day in Colorado. Julia and Stacey are on their way to Vegas, to the warm sun. I am watching their cats in the sad 45 degree rainy crap weather we are having. Don't get me wrong I love the cats.

Speaking of cats we got the ClayPaws from little Bob yesterday. And the call that her ashes are ready. Poor kitty. We miss her.

WoWing too much altogether but it helped the mean and depressed this weekend. I wish I was playing now so I could help the mean and depressed at work.

We tore up the carpet in the kitchen this weekend and attempted to wash the glue-covered wood floor beneath. I am still hacking up the dust. Too bad the wood is not in any condition to refinish, it would be nice to have wood throughout. As it is we are putting down vinyl tile. As soon as that is begun we will get the new stove and our kitchen will be quite a bit nicer! Then the cabinet refinishing and tada~ house we are not in hate with.

I was really on a roll this past week with buying yarn and knitting stuff. Labor Day was %50 off at the Goodwill and Savers so I got a few bags of yarn and some needles (Boye Alum. but for $0.25 a set, hey.) I also bought this creature call a knitting knobby. I am not really sure how to use it yet. It seems unnecessarily complicated, even more so than just knitting some damn iCord.
I got som tiny crochet hooks to go with the thread I got from the craigslist lot, and now just need to figure out what to make!

I bought my Therapi yarn at My Sister Knits for Hat Attack 2 -- I am not quite as excited as I was for the first one, but I am getting there. I opted for some nice colors instead of hideous ones, because I want death to hurt the ego, not the eyes. Plus with a nice yarn, why make something they will hate?

I wanted to buy more stuff but I didn't really have the money. I was especially looking at the books, but did not see any that really made me go 'wow'. I am also refusing to start anything new other than HA2 until I finish the 10 unfinished projects I have in the works.

Gloves went pretty well up to the actual fingers, and then I was thwarted by just trying to read the pattern. Baby blanket was going okay until I took it to the stupid 'parent education" classes at my kid's high school (that's another show) and now I look at it and think of desk chairs and transactional analysis. Toilet paper scarf just needs to be finished and go as a gift to someone. It is just boring and has ginger tea on it. Panties (Mon Petit Chou) are stopped at the beginning because I was distracted by all kinds of things like baby and whatnot. Jacob's red and yellow hammer and sickle scarf hurts my eyes and is going to be painfully boring when I am past the design. The two crochets creatures are there because I am guilty about working on them before the other things. Kelley's socks? I am ashamed deeply. I must finish those.

So that is the bleh blog. Carry on.