Stolen From a Raveler's Rav post/LJ:
“So this morning I opened up my email and found yet ANOTHER forward from a woman who keeps forwarding me anti-Obama stuff. First few times I was like “I think you have the wrong email.” And she would come back with “Well, I’m not perfect!” But it’s not stopped. So this morning, I found this:
Subject: Take PBS survey on Palin - Let’s turn this around
Do this survey, click link below, one question, takes one second, let’s turn
this PBS on their ear…..send to your friends….
Let’s turn this around!!!
PBS has a short video on Sarah Palin on their website. Also included is a
poll that asks: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be VP?
I logged on a few minutes ago and 33% percent had voted YES, 67% NO.
Let’s turn this around….. You don’t have to give your name or email
address in order to vote. It’s very simple.
PBS hates conservatives————
Here’s the link:”
So do what she says, folks! Go vote for the survey, send this to all of your friends, direct them back here to the link, whatever.
For the sake of repetition, here’s the poll again:
I email her back with “Thanks! I put my “No” vote in, and forwarded it to all my friends!”
So, kids, now it is here and yes it is one of those idiotic things that means NOTHING. but if you are so inclined, click a radio button.