The following conversation ensued...
2:39:57 PM: Captan: not only does the BBC say websit4es are getting rid of fat people, they also have an article about how there is no GSpot . “Recently Italian scientists claimed they could locate the G-spot using ultrasound scans. " LOL
2:40:17 PM: MeezerManx: I KNOW
2:40:24 PM: MeezerManx: They can't find it becayuse they are all MEN
2:40:33 PM: Captan: exactly
2:40:38 PM: MeezerManx: I almost sent you that one too
2:40:41 PM: Captan: lol
2:40:51 PM: MeezerManx: it is easier for them to beliueve it does not exist than it is for them to find iut
2:41:46 PM: Captan: or it is easier to pretend that differences that occur from person to person can prove that something doesn't exist. Like penises don't exist because i don't have one
2:41:54 PM: MeezerManx: lol
2:41:56 PM: MeezerManx: good call
2:42:03 PM: MeezerManx: if we all don't have it, no one has it
2:42:17 PM: Captan: I hate science sometimes
2:42:23 PM: MeezerManx: men are just jealous because ours is not in our ass