Well here we are again, with a lame-ass FAC about to not happen. I think that we may just be all old and tired or something. Actually it is because YOU ALL are old and tired. I just don't want to go drink in the afternoon alone because it makes me look bad... I mean worse.
SO, I am going to go
not drink at some Old Town bar by myself. Hahahah.
And now, pictures of everything I have ever knit.
Just kidding. But check out the cool knitting/crochet below:

ART MOCO blog, yes he knit a Spiderman costume.

This Atari Breakout Pillow from Jackrabbit
-- where the Jackrabbit? -- on
Can't afford iPhone? Have Grandma knit one for you!

Can't afford a Darth Vader costume? Crochet one!

Can't afford this Ferrari? Too bad! Hhahahaha!

Wait! Yes you can, just knit it yourself!
Yes it is fully hand knit!

Can't afford condoms? Well don't have sex. (Or get some for free at your local Planned Parenthood. w00t!)
But as a cute little safe-sex education tool or a funny gift, a knit condom:

WARNING: KNIT CONDOMS DO NOT PREVENT PREGNANCY OR THE TRANSMISSION OF STDs such as the HIV. So if you have a knitting kink, I suggest you wear a real condom under this, okay? Thanks have fun you crazy kids!
Bear "Ew is that lint?" Bonney